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Deliberation: Elections and Voting
September 25, 2024
5:30-7:30pm | SIE 1020

Many of us are concerned about the US election system, 但在主要问题或如何解决这些问题上,各方几乎没有达成一致. Is it too hard to vote? 我们是否有规则让所有人都能公平、方便地投票? Are we doing enough to ensure accuracy and credibility?

A space for deliberation - by students, for students.

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Dialogue facilitation training flyer

Dialogue Facilitation Training
Oct. 5 & 6, 2024

学习并实践如何在关键的社会问题上促进跨分歧的对话. 获得成为推动者所需的工具、技术和资源.

Training led by intergroup dialogue specialist Dr. Thomas Walker.

Register Here

Recent Events

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在第二次世界大战期间,美国政府监禁了超过125人,000名日裔美国人和日裔美国人. Join CERI on May 16, 2024, 审议旨在纠正这些人及其后代所面临的不公正待遇的政策建议. 来看看各种各样的政策方法,它们都在努力解决如何纠正这样一个严重错误的问题. 本次活动只对学生开放,并提供食物. 一个简短的阅读将提前通过电子邮件发送给与会者.

Event flyer


2024年的总统大选是每个人的心头之事,对许多人来说都有个人影响. 无论一个人的政治立场如何,他们的观点都会受到个人经历的影响. 周四加入冲突参与和解决倡议(CERI), 4月18日下午5:30,在论坛(SIE 1020)上,学生们将进行圆桌对话,听取并分享“个人是政治的”." All students are welcome. Food will be available. 

Event flyer


许多澳门威尼斯人官网巴勒斯坦/以色列危机的对话感觉不完整. Are there missing voices? Come to share and hear what matters most to people. 发现自己对巴勒斯坦/以色列的看法以及核心价值观, fears, and hopes shape perspectives. Open to any and all students.

SIE 1020 | February 27, 2024 | 5:30 PM

Event flyer

"The Abortion Talks" Screening and Table Dialogues

This was a screening of "The Abortion Talks," which chronicles the secret talks among leaders from opposing sides of the abortion debate after the Brookline clinic murders. 这部开创性的纪录片之后将会有一部便利的, 结构化的对话,学生将有机会分享他们的观点,并听取同龄人的意见. 

Event flyer

Free Speech on the Inclusive Campus

10月19日加入冲突参与和解决倡议(CERI), 2023, 下午五时三十分,在由学生主持的论坛(SIE 1020)上,就“共融校园的言论自由”的政策观点进行讨论. At this event, 学生将有机会讨论与言论自由和包容性相关的几项政策建议, with the assistance of prereading materials. Food will be provided! Open to all DU students!

Event Flyer

Solidarity: What Does it Look Like?

加入CERI,进行澳门威尼斯人官网团结及其情况的便利对话. 对话将于2023年4月6日(周四)下午5点在The Forum (SIE 1050)举行。. Dinner will be provided!

Past Events

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Immigration Dialogue

加入CERI,就移民之旅如何塑造我们的DU社区进行对话. 促进对话将于2023年2月8日下午5点在SIE 1020(论坛)举行。.

Event flyer


Join CERI at 5PM on October 27th, 2022年将放映3部澳门威尼斯人官网土著体验的短片, followed by small table-facilitated dialogue. Pizza will be provided!

Event Flyer

Remembering Sand Creek

电影观看以土著体验为中心,随后是便利的餐桌对话, in partnership with the Native Student Alliance, 5月25日(下午5:30 - 9点)在威尼斯人娱乐城校园Sie综合大楼1150室举行. Open to DU community

Flyer for Event

Perspectives on Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

On April 15, 2021, 这次活动的特色是有地区联系的专家小组,他们带来了不同学科的观点,以帮助我们了解历史, relations, and prospects for peace in this troubled region.

To view the recorded panel discussion, click HERE.

Flyer for Past Event


This panel, 由冲突解决研究所于10月19日主办, 2020, 将理论与社区经验相结合,更好地理解食物的使用如何在东道国文化与移民和难民人口之间建立关系. 参加我们的小组讨论,该小组将借鉴社区组织的经验以及小组间接触和整合的理论方法.

To view the recorded panel discussion, click HERE. Access Passcode: ?&rRA67q

Flyer for Past Event

后covid -19世界冲突解决行动和评估的系统协作愿景

On Friday May 15, 2020, Jay Rothman与冲突解决研究所合作举办了一次澳门威尼斯人官网行动评估的体验式教育会议. 在这个以放大为基础的会议中,Rothman分享了他开发和应用行动评估的经验, for and by the Conflict Resolution field. 他还通过对该领域的参与性“评估”,以及该领域在2019冠状病毒病大流行期间和之后可能为世界带来的影响,解释和说明了这一过程. 

To view the recorded event, click HERE.



Conflict Engagement and Resolution Initiative (CERI)
